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1. Will my Apple watch work if I have a tattoo sleeve?

Apple have quietly updated the watch's support document which now reads, “Permanent or temporary changes to your skin, such as some tattoos, can also impact heart rate sensor performance. The ink, pattern, and saturation of some tattoos can block light from the sensor, making it difficult to get reliable readings. You can opt to turn off the wrist detection on your smartwatch. However, while it can avoid drawbacks because of the tattoo on your wrist, turning off this function would limit the performance of your smartwatch.

1. Will my Apple watch work if I have a tattoo sleeve?

Apple have quietly updated the watch's support document which now reads, “Permanent or temporary changes to your skin, such as some tattoos, can also impact heart rate sensor performance. The ink, pattern, and saturation of some tattoos can block light from the sensor, making it difficult to get reliable readings. You can opt to turn off the wrist detection on your smartwatch. However, while it can avoid drawbacks because of the tattoo on your wrist, turning off this function would limit the performance of your smartwatch.

2. Can I get tattooed on heart medication? I.e. wolverin

If you are taking any blood thinners, they may cause an increased risk of bruising. It is not advisable to get a tattoo while taking these medications. Just because you are on these medications or have certain medical conditions does not mean it’s impossible to get a tattoo. It is just not recommended due to risk of scarring, infection, skin sensitivity, or imprecise outcome of the tattoo! Be sure to let your tattoo artist know because certain places won’t allow tattoos to be done unless approved by your doctor.

3. Can you cover up stretch marks?

The short answer is yes, but there are a few things to take into consideration. Red or purple stretch marks, or those that are raised, are generally more of a challenge for the artist.  Freshly formed stretch marks are often more sensitive and the artist must take special care when working on or around them.

Recently formed (non-faded or raised) stretch marks can be more noticeable even through the tattoo ink. When tattooing over raised skin texture, the artist will have to choose colours and placement which will act as a camouflage for the area. This takes significant artistic skill and knowledge, so it’s important to have an artist that you know and trust work on areas with stretch marks (especially fresh ones).

Anytime an artist is tattooing over scared or damaged skin, it’s likely going to be sensitive and usually more painful than getting a tattoo on undamaged skin.

The general rule is – the newer and darker the stretch marks are, the trickier it will be for the artist to conceal them, and the more likely it is that the level of pain will be more intense than if the client got their tattoo once the marks have had more time to age and fade.

4.Does white ink hurt more?

 It is a common misconception that white ink or lighter coloured tattoo inks are more painful. This is untrue, lighter colours are generally used at the end when the tattoo is being completed. The skin is most sensitive at this point.

5. Can you get tattooed when your breast feeding?

The placement of tattoos does not increase any risks when breastfeeding, even if they're on your breasts. The tattoo ink is unlikely to get into your milk supply and the ink is sealed under the first layer of your skin, so the baby cannot contact it.

6. Is there gold ink?

Now, we have to be completely honest from the start; golden tattoo ink or pigment does NOT exist. Unfortunately, golden, silver, and other metallic tattoos are impossible in the traditional manner of tattooing.

7. Can I get tattooed under 18?

The age restriction is set out by the tattooing of minors act 1969 which says it is illegal to tattoo a young person under 18 years of age. The liability however is on the tattoo artists and new guideline which says that tattoo artists must look for proof of age and make a record of it before inking.

8. Can I get tattooed if I have HIV?

If you’re HIV positive and looking to get a tattoo, it’s important that you’re transparent with your chosen artist about your disease. Some shops or artists might have policies against tattooing people with blood borne illnesses or autoimmune diseases, but it’s not legal for them to do so. If you run into this issue with a particular shop or artist, don’t get discouraged. File a report against them, and find a different artist, because there are lots out there who have no issue inking someone with HIV. There’s a level of trust between the client and artist, so you need to let your artist know if you have any kind of illness, especially ones that are transmitted through blood. Sure, your artist won’t directly be handling your blood, but the bodily fluid will be present, so to keep everyone on the same page, make sure your artist knows your situation. They might even be certified in working with bloodborne pathogens so they can give you the best possible aftercare advice – but you won’t know that if you don’t inform them. There could be an increased risk of infection while your tattoo is healing. Most people with HIV get these levels checked pretty regularly, so they’d have an idea of when their immune system is back up and running to workable capacity. This would be the best time to to get some new ink done.

9. Can I get tattooed if I have psoriasis?

A person with psoriasis can get tattoos, but the best bet is to stick to places where they don’t usually get flare-ups. Note that in some states, laws may prohibit artists from giving a tattoo to anyone with an active psoriasis flare. Tattoo artists may also refuse to tattoo while an active flare is occurring. If precautions are not taken, any tattoo can become infected, which can be especially harmful to people with psoriasis. If the tattooing equipment is not properly cleaned, germs can get into the skin and lead to infection. Your tattoo might be infected if there is a persistent red, bumpy rash on the skin around the tattoo. While not unique to people with psoriasis, an allergic reaction can also result from the use of tattoo dyes and inks. This reaction can range from mild to serious, depending on the individual.

10. What is the best aftercare cream?

Here we recommend Easy Tattoo Cream which is developed specifically for tattoo aftercare. The tattoo cream hydrates and favours the restructuration of the skin barrier. It soothes irritations linked with tattooing. Tested under dermatological control, it offers an excellent skin tolerance. It does not stick or stain.

11. Can I bath or swim with my new tattoo?

You cannot submerge a tattoo in water for 2-4 weeks while the open wound heals. Bathing, swimming, or using a hot tub soon after getting a tattoo can lead to a bacterial infection that can ruin the tattoo and make you sick.

12. Can I get a tattoo with diabetes?

 Having diabetes doesn't mean you can't have a tattoo or piercing. But your blood sugar levels must be in range before you do. If they aren't, your tattoo or piercing might not heal properly or quickly, and risk getting an infection. Your blood pressure should also be stable to stop these problems.  You might want to discuss it with your diabetes team before going ahead to check everything’s okay. Getting a tattoo can take a long time and be painful, which will make your blood sugar rise. Make sure you talk to the tattoo artist and take breaks regularly so you can monitor your blood sugar levels throughout. If you have diabetes, you’re best to avoid getting tattoos piercings on certain areas on your body where there’s a risk of poor circulation. Tattoos in these places usually take longer to heal, which can cause infections. These include your bum, shins, ankles and feet. You should also avoid areas where you usually inject insulin, like your arms, stomach and thighs, so you can clearly see if any infections are developing on these sites. If you use, or are considering using flash glucose monitoring, these should not be worn over areas with tattoos, as this could impact your results.  If you get an infection, your blood sugar levels might rise. See your GP straight away for help if you show any signs of infection or feel unwell after a tattoo or piercing.

13. Is there an age limit to getting a tattoo?

If you think you’re too old to get a tattoo, think again. Studies show that almost 30% of people getting tattoos are adults between the ages of 40 and 50. A smaller percentage of 16% are those over the age of 50, deciding to go for a tattoo.

14. How long before a holiday should I get a tattoo?

If you're getting a tattoo on a spot of your body that comes into close contact with seating materials or the sweaty companion in the neighbouring seat, it's a good idea to schedule your tattoo at least two weeks in advance of your trip.

15. what are the acceptable/inacceptable tattoos to have in the police force?

Most forces allow officers to display tattoos although it is a decision for each chief constable. However, College of Policing Guidelines state that Visible tattoos are unacceptable if they could reasonably be interpreted as discriminatory or offensive and/or indicate attitudes or views inconsistent with the College of Policing's Code.

16. Can you have a reaction to red ink?

Most people develop an allergy to a specific colour of ink. Red is often the culprit, but any colour can cause an allergic reaction.  Most often, these types of allergic reactions are caused by mercury sulphide, which is found in red tattoo ink. Lichenoid allergic reaction. This is rare, but is typically related to red tattoo ink, and characterized by small bumps that appear around the red ink areas.

17. Can you get tattooed while pregnant?

The main concern with getting a tattoo during pregnancy is the risk of contracting an infection, such as hepatitis B or HIV. We don’t want that reaching the baby! Although the risk is small, it is recommended that you wait to get a tattoo until after your baby is born.

Little information is available about the safety of skin dyes used for tattooing during pregnancy. It is possible that the chemicals in the dye may affect the development of the baby during the first 12 weeks. However, the risks are unknown, as are any effects on the baby during the remainder of the pregnancy.

©2019 Gumtoad Tattoos

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